Jesser's Auto Clinic
Services Offered:
APPRAISALS - By appointment and on-site appraisals. Bonded and insured with over
35 years experience. Personal, professional, certified appraisals and pre-purchase inspections. All portfolios done in triplicate with full color photographs for all domestic and foreign models. Stated insurance values, loan appraisals, appraisals for any purchase. Insurance arbitrator, expert witness. Member, advisor, board member NADA Exotic and Collectibles. Member of International Appraisers Association. Active memberships in AACA, CCCA, NCRS, VMCCA, MCS, BCA, OCA, WPC, PAC, PIMCC, CTC, CCI, POCI, LCOC, HOG, and twenty other car clubs. Up-to-date, well maintained reference library.
Master Appraiser:
D. Jesser -I-A-A-A- #100231294
Visit the -I-
A-A-A- Site !
Check out the 1960 Imperial Project!
Check out the 1973 International Project!
IAAA Member #100231294 Member since 1994
Joseph David Jesser Founding Member
Master Appraiser
Automediator Appraisal Clause Umpire
Additional Certifications Include USAAP
Has completed Diminished Value Part I - XII
Loss of Use: LOUI & LOU II
Participated in Continuing Education 2020
Locate Jesser's on the IAAA site - Click the "Find an Appraiser" red button, then click on OHIO